Terrain generator to VHE.
* Full 3D control over the appearance of your terrain.
* Nine tools to help you shape your terrain.
* Fractal terrain generation via eleven unique configurable algorithms.
* Heightmap terrain generation.
* Multi level Undo, Redo and Revert.
* Four render modes: Textured, Solid, Wireframe, and Points.
* Several different styles of lightmaps.
* Lots of additional display options.
* Save your terrain as a .tgm file for latter editing.
* Exports to .vmf, .map, .rmf, .t3d, .dxf, .obj, .smf, .txt, .bmp and .jpg file formats.
* Ability to export hint brushes along with your terrain for polygon reduction in Quake engine based games.
* Texture browser.
* Simple vertex locking.
* Recent .tgm file menu.
* Quick and easy setup.
* 100% Free.